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API - Post receipt

This API route will let you post a user ios/android receipt.



Authentication is required by using your Api Key in the Authorization header.

Authorization: ApiKey [SERVER_API_KEY]

You should only use this API call from your server.
For security reasons, your can only process up to 5 receipts simultaneously.

Url parameters

StringApp ID
StringUser ID

Body parameters

StringApp environment (production by default)
StringUser platform
StringReceipt token
StringProduct sku (Required for android only)
BooleanOption to create user if it doesn't exist (disabled by default)

Response parameters

StringStatus of the receipt
ArrayThe new transactions processed in the receipt
Array element
StringUnique product ID assigned by IAPHUB
StringProduct alias
StringProduct ID used by the platform's payment system (App Store for iOS, Google Play for Android)
StringPurchase ID assigned by IAPHUB
StringPurchase date
StringWebhook status
Only if the product has a group
StringGroup ID
StringGroup name
Only for a subscription
StringDate of the subscription expiration
StringThe subscription renewal has been paused, date the subscription will be automatically resumed (Android only)
StringTrue if the subscription is renewable (false if the subscription has been cancelled)
StringTrue if the subscription is currently trying to be renewed
StringCurrent period type of the subscription
ArrayThe old transactions in the receipt (Already processed or expired subscriptions, limited to the latest transaction of an sku)
Array element
StringUnique product ID assigned by IAPHUB
StringProduct ID used by the platform's payment system (App Store for iOS, Google Play for Android)
StringPurchase ID
StringPurchase date
Only if the product has a group
StringGroup ID
StringGroup name
Only for a subscription
StringDate of the subscription expiration
StringTrue if the subscription is renewable (false if the subscription has been cancelled)
StringTrue if the subscription is currently trying to be renewed
StringCurrent period type of the subscription




environment: 'staging',
platform: 'android',
sku: 'pack30_tier20'


status: 'success',
newTransactions: [{
id: '5e517bdd0613c16f11e7fae0',
sku: 'pack30_tier20',
purchase: '2e517bdd0613c16f11e7faz2',
purchaseDate: '2020-05-22T01:34:40.462Z',
group: "3e517bdd0613c16f41e7fae2",
groupName: "pack",
webhookStatus: 'success'
oldTransactions: []